Vectorworks – Student2PRO

Vectorworks invites APDG emerging members to take advantage of their offer on a Vectorworks professional annual subscription. Vectorworks student2PRO program supports developing design careers by providing a 40% discount on the first year of a professional annual subscription, giving you the design software you need to get to work.* Vectorworks student2PRO includes: Software that will [...]

AFTRS Digital Futures Summit: AI and the Creative Horizon

Explore the creative horizon of AI at Digital Futures Summit, hosted by the Australian Film Television and Radio School. The Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) welcomed APDG Members to Digital Futures Summit: AI and the Creative Horizon that took place Wednesday, 10 April 2024. This free, online event focussed on Artificial Intelligence (AI) [...]


Researchers from the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Melbourne have partnered with Screen Well to explore the extent and impact of alcohol use in the screen industry.   “The online CheckmyControl study into the screen industry forms the next step in a program of research that saw the publication of our successful [...]

Live Performance Meet-ups Return

Live Performance Committee Meet-ups The Live Performance Committee recently decided to resume regular Zoom casual meetups which were a huge success during lockdown. They are planning meetups on the first Monday of the month, starting April 1. The first is scheduled from 1:00 to 2:00pm with a review on times for later dates. These meetups will be an opportunity for [...]

Leadership Matters Report

LEADERSHIP MATTERS REPORT Screen Well is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Jonathon Dutton (Independent Consultant) and the University of Melbourne on the report, Leadership Matters, to be released on the 14th of March 2024. Bullying, discrimination, harassment, and destructive work conditions have all emerged as central themes in previous screen industry reports, [...]

Screen Update 2023

Screen Committee Update 2023 The APDG screen committee met quarterly throughout 2023 to focus on screen specific industry and advocacy initiatives, in addition to APDG programs and events. Highlights for the year include the International Production Design Week celebrations, updating the website to a more modern design, adopting and adapting the #nakedwithoutus campaign and of [...]

The APDG and Arts & Cultural Exchange (ACE) Join Forces

APDG PANEL AT ACE APDG and Arts & Cultural Exchange (ACE) kicked off an exciting partnership in November 2023, with industry presentations and networking in Parramatta. An eager audience of early career practitioners from culturally diverse backgrounds, heard from a panel of experienced and mid-career Production Designers, Costume Designers and Hair, Make-Up & Prosthetics Artists [...]