Arts on tour – Green Touring Online Series

Arts on tour - Green Touring Online Series Imogen from APDGreen Conversations asked Arts on Tour Executive Director Antonia Seymour to answer some questions about their recent webinar series. Arts on Tour recently hosted the 5-part Green Touring Online Series, an initiative designed to provide a platform and a community around fostering environmentally sustainable practices [...]


Your invitation to the launch of Australia's new performance design education & research hub - Scenolab Australia ScenoLab Australia is a new national hub for researchers and educators in performance design, theatre architecture, and performance technologies. Run by and for Australians, we are an OISTAT National Centre, connecting Australians to the global community of the International Organisation [...]

AGM Update and Newly Appointed Representatives

The APDG 2024/2025 AGM took place on Tuesday May 28, 2024 and was chaired by Vice President Fiona Donovan APDG.  Michael Scott-Mitchell APDG presented his President’s Annual report summarising the guild’s activity for the year and announced the 2024/2025 National Executive Representatives. To align with the new constitution, the current National Executive's term is extended to [...]

The Kristian Fredrikson Scholarship 2024 Recipient

The 2024 recipient is APDG member Charles Davis from Sydney, he plans to travel to Europe attending The Theatretreffen Festival in Berlin. He will participate in workshops and creative laboratories hosted by the Theatretreffen International Forum, Charles has an observation attachment with a leading European designer. The attachment will deepen his understanding of large scale [...]