Researchers from the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Melbourne have partnered with Screen Well to explore the extent and impact of alcohol use in the screen industry.


“The online CheckmyControl study into the screen industry forms the next step in a program of research that saw the publication of our successful pilot study in 2023. Results from this pilot showed that individuals who drank above recommended limits reduced their total alcohol intake by 32-35%”, says Dr Antoinette Poulton, researcher from the University of Melbourne.


The three-part online study also aims to assess the efficacy of an intervention that is designed to help people reduce their alcohol intake.


Screen Well founder Ben Steel says, “We are particularly excited to partner with the University of Melbourne on this project because it has an alcohol reduction intervention in-built, so it’s more than just about capturing data on alcohol use in the screen industry – it’s about seeing if the unique intervention helps reduce consumption, and this distinction really excites us for its potential positive impact.”


The study intervention targets people in the community who do not satisfy the criteria for a clinical problem, but who are nonetheless interested in cutting back their alcohol consumption.


The CheckmyControl study will be conducted entirely online and via a smartphone app, participants must be a resident in Australia and work or be pursuing work in the Australian screen industry to participate in the study. Participants will be reimbursed via GiftPay e-voucher (up to $55) for their time.


If you’d like to participate in the CheckmyControl study, please complete the intake survey.

Researchers: Dr Antoinette Poulton & Prof Robert Hester – Contact: