APDGreen Conversations

APDGreen Representative Imogen Ross has been sharing sustainability knowledge, tips and ideas with APDG members for a number of years. Imogen is a New South Wales based live performance, production and events designer, artist and educator.

In 2023, Imogen took up the position of Sustainability Manager at NIDA where she continues to advocate and explore ways to improve the footprint of designers on the environment.

There is always so much more to the green conversation…

Please share your sustainability tips, suggestions and design concerns with us! If you are interested in adding your professional design voice and suggestions to an APDG Sustainability Protocols group or promoting green initiatives in future APDGreen Conversations, please  email to Imogen Ross or contact Rebecca Whittington to offer assistance and find out more.

APDG Working Green Survey

The APDG invites you to complete this short survey about environmental sustainability attitudes and practices in the screen and live performance industries. Your responses will help us understand how you are thinking about working GREEN, and how the APDG can support our members as we transition towards a more sustainable practice.

APDGreen News Articles