AUSTRALIA’S NEWEST INDUSTRY GUILD ELEVATING THE LOCATIONS DEPARTMENT The Australian Location Managers Guild (ALMG,) has launched a website, to promote the creative and logistical contributions that the Location Department makes to bring abstract concepts and writing to the screen. The guild is now inviting Locations Department professionals, as well as screen industry colleagues, to [...]

APDGreen Conversations – Winter 2023

In this Quarter’s newsletter, Imogen Ross shares links and information about what is happening in the enviro- sphere, for both stage and screen peeps. Sustainable Theatres Australia and Sustainable Screens Australia have all recently launched new projects that promote environmental awareness and encourage designers, producers and makers to focus on reducing their carbon emissions on [...]

International Production Design Week

International Production Design Week: A New Initiative To to Celebrate the Craft of Production Design Inspired by the experience of the inaugural Gathering in Greece last year, the Production Designers Collective will coordinate a week of events in October to globally promote the craft of production design. Following the significant success of the first-ever international [...]

The Culture and Climate Report

Though not strictly 'design' focused, I want to share information about the recently released Culture for Climate: a preliminary study into how Australian performing arts organisations are responding to the global environmental crisis report, which I peer reviewed last month for the newly-formed Performance and Ecology Research Lab [P+ERL] based at Griffith University in QLD. The Climate for [...]

Climate and Sustainable Production Training

Ontario Green Screen offers FREE Climate Change and Sustainability training (and carbon calculation training) to people involved in screen production, in all on/off set roles. It also hosts sustainability resources, websites and libraries. It is based in Toronto in Canada, but being online, can be accessed by APDG members from wherever they might be. It [...]

Sweet As at the Berlinale

APDG National Executive Screen Representative and production designer of Sweet As, Emma Fletcher shares her experience of a four day whirlwind trip Berlinale in Germany. During the Western Australia’s border closure in 2021, I was the production designer for Arenamedia’s Sweet As, a coming of age story about an at-risk Indigenous teenager. We filmed through Port Hedland, Karratha, South Hedland and Karijini [...]

APDGreen Conversations – Autumn 2023

In this Quarter’s update, multi-disciplinary designer Tobhiyah Stone Feller chats about her recent production at ATYP The Resistance and Imogen Ross adds loads of links and  information about upcoming sustainability,  carbon calculation and climate change seminars for both stage and screen peeps. Things are really taking off around the globe in the Eco-Design and sustainability [...]

Aislinn King – Live Performance Designer

Aislinn King Design Approach Within my design practice I am drawn to creating immersive experiences inspired by movement, gesture, light and material exploration.   My recent projects explore embedding conceptual, haptic and embodied modes of design in to the development, collaboration and realisation of a performance piece.   My experience of performance contexts in other [...]

The Resistance: Eco-Ethical Approaches

APDGreen Conversations: The Resistance - Eco-Conscious design choices with Tobhiyah Stone Feller Eco-design, as a new way of creating, takes part in altruistic and collective reasoning. Practising it becomes a way of taking care of our surroundings, our ecosystem, and ourselves. Social and environmental issues are an integral part of the eco-design process. The eco-responsible [...]