APDGreen Conversations: Visionary Spokes

‘Visual Minutes’ drawn by Ada Jusic as part of the Circular Economy workshop facilitated by Julie’s Bicycle for Bow Arts.
Image retrieved from: https://bowarts.org/news/the-circular-economy-accelerator-programme

‘Our responsibility is to make a difference. There is a moral and ethical imperative to act NOW.’

[from Road to Carbon Zero; live webinar facilitated by Julie’s Bicycle, 14th May 2020, U.K.]

Julie’s Bicycle [see https://juliesbicycle.com/why-we-exist/about-us] was established in 2007  and remains an influential group in the UK who work directly with the Theatre and Live Events industry to help creative practitioners and companies work towards zero carbon. They often partner with industry representatives and government bodies to ensure the discussions are broad and far reaching. Their website offers resources, industry examples, connections and data and during COVID-19 they presented webinars with theatre practitioners, venues and government representatives to discuss zero carbon targets with data in hand.

Julie’s Bicycle encourages creative practitioners to have a clear vision for their sustainable future and to share it with their peers – to spark discussion, debate and action in the areas they have some control over. and to influence others who may have the power to make bigger changes across our industry. Theatre companies and Production companies are becoming increasingly open to having sustainability discussions, particularly as the data shows many positive financial rewards. The post-COVID landscape will require ingenious solutions from all areas to promote and engage with enduring sustainability measures.

This vision may include:

  • Working together as an industry to share experiences (both positive and negative) about the sustainability changes we make, sharing best practices and working towards industry standards where appropriate.
  • Working with our production companies, suppliers and crews to positively influence ongoing behaviour and choices in our shared workplaces.
  • Working alongside our regular suppliers to improve the accountability and sustainability of both the consumable and reusable materials we purchase as artists.
  • Reducing the waste generated by our design-driven practises, in pre-production, during production and post-production, and aiming for a 50% increase  (or more!) in our production’s recycling capacity.
  • Reducing our reliance on non-reusable and non recyclable equipment and consumables – looking at ways to develop efficient waste streams or better still – circular economies within our different design departments.
  • Measuring key impacts by using credible methods in order to measure progress. 

This last point is crucial.

Data is power and data is valuable. 

Use credible data to help change the minds of those who control the budgets.

And finally…

Build Capacity.

Support Capability.

Think Creatively.

Collaborate and Communicate.